Thursday, September 19, 2013

Ip Man

Scene: Yip Man vs 10 black belts in Ip Man (2008)
Actors: Yip Man: Donnie Yen
Stuntman: Actual martial artists were used including Donnie Yen

Scenario: Yip Man and 10 black belts in a dojo
Style: Yip Man uses Wing Chun. While the black belts use Tae Kwon Do.
Genre:1 (Realistic), b (Dramatic)
--It looks realistic throughout the whole fight scene and is very dramatic and serious.
Three Rules: I am using Yip Man for this.

Objective- This fight scene happens after Yip Man finally decides to challenge the Japanese solders occupying his town. He must do this to protect his family and loved ones.
Tactics- Yip Man uses Defensive techniques and offensive Techniques to take out his opponents. He rolls to dodge attacks and uses distance to try to take one at a time.
Obstacles- The 10 Men he is up against.

Questions- This fight is used to get the Japanese Commander to fight him.
I chose this scene because I believe it is one of the best fight scenes in any martial art film and due to its realism in how a real fight would go.

1 comment:

  1. I'd say it's a little fast to be "realistic," though it is appropriate for an expressionistic style.
