Thursday, October 17, 2013

Chapter 6 and Fight Clip Club piece

The exercises in chapter 6 that can be used to strengthen your wrist and help you limber up before fighting seem extremely useful. Chapter 6 also made me want to learn to use a plethora of other types of swords. I know the Rapier is the staple in most combat scenarios, but I would love to learn a two handed sword (Katana or Claymore) or to use two swords at once.

Fight Clip Club Scene:

The scene is from "Shanghai Knights" (2003)

Actors: Jackie Chan and Aiden Gillen. Owen Wilson (Just Kidding)

Stunts: Jackie Chan, Bradley James Allan, Han Guan Hua, Miroslav Lhotka

Scenario: Takes place in London, England in 1887. Lord Rathbone tries to assassinate members of the royal family so that he can assume the throne (He is 10th in line to the throne), and then blame the murders on Chon's (Jackie Chan) sister. Chon was an elite soldier of the Forbidden City in China before the events of Shanghai Noon (First movie, Shanghai Knights is the sequel). Lord Rathbone is a privileged royal heir with years of special and military training. Chon and his friend Roy (Owen Wilson) are able to foil Rathbone's plan, but have to then give chase so that he doesn't escape.

Genre: Expressionistic + Realistic

Realistic: The choreography is very fast and deadly, Chon quickly realizes he is out matched.

Expressionistic: The fight carries on for a long time, most swordsmen would not have the endurance to go on like that, Rathbone also has multiple chances to kill Chon, but lets his ego get to him and keeps toying with him instead of finishing it and escaping.

Objective: Chon wants to protect his sister and keep Rathbone from framing her. He needs to prove his sister is innocent. Rathbone is furious that his plan failed and is an ego maniac, he wants to humiliate Chon before killing him.

Tactics: 1. Rathbone intimidates Chon with his battle prowess, and by quickly taking the upper hand. 2. After Chon realizes he cannot win by conventional means, he delays his death untill he can figure out a way to at least take Rathbone with him.

Obstacle: Rathbone: Chon is a skilled martial artist with little to lose. Chon: Rathbone is perhaps the most skilled swordsman he has ever faced, Chons hand to hand skills will only get him stabbed.

I chose this scene because Jackie Chan is amazing to watch and its cool to see him meet an opponent he can't actually defeat by normal means. I also really like the idea of wielding two swords at once, so I think the moves that Aiden Gillen (Rathbone) use are amazing, I hope that one day I will be able to do a scene like this.

This is my Fight Scene.

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